Assalamualaikum wbt,
Baru jek habis buat assignment..tomorrow and day after tomorrow i'll be busy with management meeting...penatnyeeee :(
I met Faisal Tehrani waktu nk masuk masjid last Saturday for maghrib prayer, terkejut kejap. Geng Nisa and Hany dah jumpa, me never meet him personally. Sempoi giler mamat ni, jln ngan backpack dia. Ada org tanya, tak ambil autograph dia ker? Huhu..i like to read his stories jek, bukannya minat dia..tapi ada sorang tu kan..siap pi carikan segala details about him for me..rasa2nya mcm diaaaa jek yg minat Faisal Tehrani tu instead of me heheheh.
Sebenarnya semester ni byk benda nk kongsi ngan sumer especially subjects Business Ethics and Organizational Change and Development (OCD). OCD ni sure Jenal suka nyer sbb dia mmg buat keje ni, so bolehlaa nk considered dia as an OD practitioner. Tapi subject OCD ni tak baper interesting as compared to Business Ethics.
My lecturer for Business Ethics is an ustaz, teaching at Kuliyyah Economics rasa2nya, tak pun kat Ilmu Wahyu kat UIA, but teaching us Business Ethics coz he is from Accounting background before pursuing to aliran agama. Best ler ustaz ni..tak leh nk citer panjang skang ni coz tgh byk keje, i'll let you know apa yg kami perbincangkan dlm kelas kalau ada kelapangan insya Allah. A very interesting subject and mengajak kita berfikir and to realize the reality of how corrupt Malaysia is rite now huhu.
Ok, salam sayang to all..need to log off.
Later k, assalamualaikum.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Hany dah bersalin
Just nk bagitau yg Hany dah selamat melahirkan seorang puteri di Subang Jaya Medical Centre pada 12.39 pagi, 21 Ogos 2006 bersamaan hari Israk Mikraj. Nama anaknya belum diputuskan lagi sehingga semalam hehe.
P/S; Tak sempat nk tulis panjang2 sbb semalam cuti, esok ada meeting strategy + BP Group 2007, everything nk kena prepare by today.
Just nk bagitau yg Hany dah selamat melahirkan seorang puteri di Subang Jaya Medical Centre pada 12.39 pagi, 21 Ogos 2006 bersamaan hari Israk Mikraj. Nama anaknya belum diputuskan lagi sehingga semalam hehe.
P/S; Tak sempat nk tulis panjang2 sbb semalam cuti, esok ada meeting strategy + BP Group 2007, everything nk kena prepare by today.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
The 3 musketeers of HB3 B3003 are back!!
Assalamualaikum wbt,
Hehe, tgh rasa seronok skang ni.
Last nite it was really a blessing to me as i had the chance to be with my dear ex-roommates aka bestfriends, Ika and Siha!!
Yeayy..Siha dah pindah KL...and now its time for us to hungga hungga (ada ker istilah ni? hentam jer aa hehe)..bleh nk berhuha mcm dulu...the three musketeers of HB3 B3003 are back!! yeayyy!!! Heheh..saiko saiko. HB3 B3003 ni actually adalah no bilik hostel MMU kami dulu, Block HB3, Wing B, Level 3 and Room No 003.
Jie, Farah Wahidah and Hany pun bestfriends gak..cuma derang lain bilik derang suka lepak gak bilik kitorang..ditakdirkan kami semua satu floor waktu kat hostel MMU dulu hehe. Giler dgn Meteor Garden time tu...sanggup buat marathon tgk citer ni yg kitorang download dr server MMU non-stop walaupun time tu musim exam...experience makan satu dulang and memasak pakai rice cooker kat hostel best.
Semalam Ika call kata she's with someone, tak teringat langsung yg she's with Siha waktu dia ajak kami jumpa...rupanya Siha..haiyaa..rasa mcm nak melompat pun ada.
Siha dah pindah Menara skang ni..bagus ler..dia kat menara with Jie, Ayu and Farah Wahidah, Ika kat Cygal, and i'm still here in Bukit Mahkamah..tak taulaa biler nk pindah..boss besar kitorang takde hint2 pun suh pindah menara..hmm.
Next Fraud MCM Meeting our big and handsome boss suh buat kat Bukit Mahkamah, siap pesan suh kitorang order ayam kampung. Biar bebetul GCFO aku nih..nk makan ayam kampung. Tapi mcm best gaklaa buat meeting kat sini, bleh tunjuk kat my colluege insan2 yg selalu dtg meeting MCM Fraud, top mgmt ni nampak jek mcm serius, tapi kalau dlm meeting bleh tahan lawak gaklaa, especially CEO Payphone and GM Finance Wholesale (yeah i know sumer org kata dia garang, dia mmg garang tapi kekadang statement dia mmg lawak giler hehe).
My younger brother Ili baru convo in Physics last weekend, i did not attend pun sbb ada exam di UIA (hehe Rollie, amacam exam? ;), but we had celebrated his convocation together as a family pada belah malamnya (sorry ler Ika, terpaksa kensel our plan to hang out together that night) month in early September, my second younger bro pulak yg akan convo di UUM in Accountancy, and most probably i also cannot come to his convo due to my classes. Tp tgk gak ler..kalau takde presentation, pergi kot, not sure yet. Kalau me takde, Ika my younger sis will be there, ok kot.
Congrats to Fahmee yg also akan convo for his Master in UUM next month, bestnya org yg dah habis study ni ek :P
My younger sister and me will be having our convocation by next year insya Allah, together with Rollie jugak, Aini lambat sket sbb dia baru masuk UIA, but the time will come for jugak Aini, bawak bersabar ek hehe. Siha akan convo next year jugak di Sintok. Ika had asked me to review her master thesis, pening kepala nk memahamkan istilah sains derang ni..yerlah..suh budak accounting review thesis sains..tak ke pening? Tapi oklah, dia dah siap dah pun...cuma tak viva lagi..sbb tu tak sempat nk convo this year. She told me that UM also offered her to lecture in UM kalau tak nak commit dgn USM yg nak hantar dia pi oversea..personally i would prefer her to be in KL rather than spending 7 years bonding in USM, Penang. Cukup2laa my siblings berterabur kat Semenanjung Malaysia waktu derang buat Matrikulasi and degree dulu, sorang kat Penang, sorang kat Kedah, sorang kat Cyber, sorang kat Bangi. Yang my third last akan merantau ke Perak. Senang hati kalau sumernya berkumpul kat KL, kat depan mata.
My future plan after habis master? hmm.. tak sure lagi..nak apply for doctorate? hmm...kalau boleh nk ada doctorate before 30, and i want to do my doctorate in UK..kalau ada rezeki adalah insya Allah..tak pk habis lagi sbb my master pun belum habis lagi. Hehe..Zurina dah berangan hehe..tak kisahlah buat doctorate tu biler..i dunno yet, mungkin ada plan lain yg tiba2 show up, so habiskan satu2 dulu :)
Before end, nk congratulate Kak Faza (org kuat Nisa') yg akan waleemah pada 18 August ni..dpt tau pun drpd blog Ahmad (Dhuat)..kalau tak mmg ler tak tau..skang ni jarang buka e mail Yahoo sket :)
Congrats ek akak, tapi as iena dah bagitau akak semalam, sukar sket nak hadir waleemah di Kelantan dan Pahang sbb ada kelas..tapi iena doakan akak berbahagia dunia akhirat dan melahirkan zuriat pejuang agama, penyambung generasi Islam yang akan mengangkat martabat dan izzah Islam satu hari nanti. Takpe, Kak Mas pergi waleemah akak,kan nanti, iena lantik Kak Mas jadi proxy hehehe :D
Esok hari last Hany bekerja kat ofis sbb dah nk due bersalin for her second child,,rindu aa kat Hany 2 bulan nih nampak gayanya..apa pun didoakan semuanya selamat ek Hany..pasni leh minta Jenal (note: nama sebenar dia Zainal) open table for 2 good news!! Satu sbb nk dpt baby baru...lagi satu sbb..hehe..dia and kami2 yg dekat shj yg tau hoho (apa ek agak2.. APA?? Jenal nak kahwin lagi satu? hehe..takdelah..memain jek..mau kena hempuk ngan Hany kalau Jenal nk kahwin lain time2 dia tgh sarat pregnant ni hehe)Sorry aa Tokcik..memain jek..ex-secretary minta ampun kekeke.
Oklah ek..jumpa lagi insya hari ni :D
P/S: Mari belajar satu doa baru:
Doa Kepada Luahan Cinta Kerana Allah
Semoga Allah mencintaimu kerana Engkau mencintaiku keranaNya.
Hoho, terjumpa doa ni time Kak Imah (PA GM) minta carikan dia doa lepas solat this morning..hehe..Ika suka ckp statement ni to me dulu.."Siti, aku mencintai/sayang kau kerana Allah"..time tu konfius apsal ler Ika suka ckp ayat tu..tapi senyum jeklaa and reply balik the same...chewah. Ok, to Ika and also to all my friends,kenalan, Kak Yumni,Kak Mas, geng2 Nisa', geng2 MBA, para bloggers dan adik2 yg saya mungkin kenal secara virtual dan saudara sesama Islam seluruhnya..saya doakan doa ini pada antum semua :)
Moga Allah mencintai kalian :)
Assalamualaikum :)
Hehe, tgh rasa seronok skang ni.
Last nite it was really a blessing to me as i had the chance to be with my dear ex-roommates aka bestfriends, Ika and Siha!!
Yeayy..Siha dah pindah KL...and now its time for us to hungga hungga (ada ker istilah ni? hentam jer aa hehe)..bleh nk berhuha mcm dulu...the three musketeers of HB3 B3003 are back!! yeayyy!!! Heheh..saiko saiko. HB3 B3003 ni actually adalah no bilik hostel MMU kami dulu, Block HB3, Wing B, Level 3 and Room No 003.
Jie, Farah Wahidah and Hany pun bestfriends gak..cuma derang lain bilik derang suka lepak gak bilik kitorang..ditakdirkan kami semua satu floor waktu kat hostel MMU dulu hehe. Giler dgn Meteor Garden time tu...sanggup buat marathon tgk citer ni yg kitorang download dr server MMU non-stop walaupun time tu musim exam...experience makan satu dulang and memasak pakai rice cooker kat hostel best.
Semalam Ika call kata she's with someone, tak teringat langsung yg she's with Siha waktu dia ajak kami jumpa...rupanya Siha..haiyaa..rasa mcm nak melompat pun ada.
Siha dah pindah Menara skang ni..bagus ler..dia kat menara with Jie, Ayu and Farah Wahidah, Ika kat Cygal, and i'm still here in Bukit Mahkamah..tak taulaa biler nk pindah..boss besar kitorang takde hint2 pun suh pindah menara..hmm.
Next Fraud MCM Meeting our big and handsome boss suh buat kat Bukit Mahkamah, siap pesan suh kitorang order ayam kampung. Biar bebetul GCFO aku nih..nk makan ayam kampung. Tapi mcm best gaklaa buat meeting kat sini, bleh tunjuk kat my colluege insan2 yg selalu dtg meeting MCM Fraud, top mgmt ni nampak jek mcm serius, tapi kalau dlm meeting bleh tahan lawak gaklaa, especially CEO Payphone and GM Finance Wholesale (yeah i know sumer org kata dia garang, dia mmg garang tapi kekadang statement dia mmg lawak giler hehe).
My younger brother Ili baru convo in Physics last weekend, i did not attend pun sbb ada exam di UIA (hehe Rollie, amacam exam? ;), but we had celebrated his convocation together as a family pada belah malamnya (sorry ler Ika, terpaksa kensel our plan to hang out together that night) month in early September, my second younger bro pulak yg akan convo di UUM in Accountancy, and most probably i also cannot come to his convo due to my classes. Tp tgk gak ler..kalau takde presentation, pergi kot, not sure yet. Kalau me takde, Ika my younger sis will be there, ok kot.
Congrats to Fahmee yg also akan convo for his Master in UUM next month, bestnya org yg dah habis study ni ek :P
My younger sister and me will be having our convocation by next year insya Allah, together with Rollie jugak, Aini lambat sket sbb dia baru masuk UIA, but the time will come for jugak Aini, bawak bersabar ek hehe. Siha akan convo next year jugak di Sintok. Ika had asked me to review her master thesis, pening kepala nk memahamkan istilah sains derang ni..yerlah..suh budak accounting review thesis sains..tak ke pening? Tapi oklah, dia dah siap dah pun...cuma tak viva lagi..sbb tu tak sempat nk convo this year. She told me that UM also offered her to lecture in UM kalau tak nak commit dgn USM yg nak hantar dia pi oversea..personally i would prefer her to be in KL rather than spending 7 years bonding in USM, Penang. Cukup2laa my siblings berterabur kat Semenanjung Malaysia waktu derang buat Matrikulasi and degree dulu, sorang kat Penang, sorang kat Kedah, sorang kat Cyber, sorang kat Bangi. Yang my third last akan merantau ke Perak. Senang hati kalau sumernya berkumpul kat KL, kat depan mata.
My future plan after habis master? hmm.. tak sure lagi..nak apply for doctorate? hmm...kalau boleh nk ada doctorate before 30, and i want to do my doctorate in UK..kalau ada rezeki adalah insya Allah..tak pk habis lagi sbb my master pun belum habis lagi. Hehe..Zurina dah berangan hehe..tak kisahlah buat doctorate tu biler..i dunno yet, mungkin ada plan lain yg tiba2 show up, so habiskan satu2 dulu :)
Before end, nk congratulate Kak Faza (org kuat Nisa') yg akan waleemah pada 18 August ni..dpt tau pun drpd blog Ahmad (Dhuat)..kalau tak mmg ler tak tau..skang ni jarang buka e mail Yahoo sket :)
Congrats ek akak, tapi as iena dah bagitau akak semalam, sukar sket nak hadir waleemah di Kelantan dan Pahang sbb ada kelas..tapi iena doakan akak berbahagia dunia akhirat dan melahirkan zuriat pejuang agama, penyambung generasi Islam yang akan mengangkat martabat dan izzah Islam satu hari nanti. Takpe, Kak Mas pergi waleemah akak,kan nanti, iena lantik Kak Mas jadi proxy hehehe :D
Esok hari last Hany bekerja kat ofis sbb dah nk due bersalin for her second child,,rindu aa kat Hany 2 bulan nih nampak gayanya..apa pun didoakan semuanya selamat ek Hany..pasni leh minta Jenal (note: nama sebenar dia Zainal) open table for 2 good news!! Satu sbb nk dpt baby baru...lagi satu sbb..hehe..dia and kami2 yg dekat shj yg tau hoho (apa ek agak2.. APA?? Jenal nak kahwin lagi satu? hehe..takdelah..memain jek..mau kena hempuk ngan Hany kalau Jenal nk kahwin lain time2 dia tgh sarat pregnant ni hehe)Sorry aa Tokcik..memain jek..ex-secretary minta ampun kekeke.
Oklah ek..jumpa lagi insya hari ni :D
P/S: Mari belajar satu doa baru:
Doa Kepada Luahan Cinta Kerana Allah
Semoga Allah mencintaimu kerana Engkau mencintaiku keranaNya.
Hoho, terjumpa doa ni time Kak Imah (PA GM) minta carikan dia doa lepas solat this morning..hehe..Ika suka ckp statement ni to me dulu.."Siti, aku mencintai/sayang kau kerana Allah"..time tu konfius apsal ler Ika suka ckp ayat tu..tapi senyum jeklaa and reply balik the same...chewah. Ok, to Ika and also to all my friends,kenalan, Kak Yumni,Kak Mas, geng2 Nisa', geng2 MBA, para bloggers dan adik2 yg saya mungkin kenal secara virtual dan saudara sesama Islam seluruhnya..saya doakan doa ini pada antum semua :)
Moga Allah mencintai kalian :)
Assalamualaikum :)
Monday, August 14, 2006
Appreciation of life

Assalamualaikum wbt,
Time flies very fast.
I could not catch them, nor i can't hold them.
To recall everything that had passed your life, since you were little until who you are now, it feels truly amazing.
I look mine with some mixtures of feelings and thoughts inside of my head and my heart.
I love all people that has been with me all these while in my life, as i know without them i won't learn a thing called love.
I enjoy every single thing that makes me smile and laugh, as those moments are some kind of bliss to my dear life.
I appreciate all those bitter and sad experiences as i know without them i won't be strong enough to face some difficult stages in this long journey.
Appreciation of life..these words mean so deep to me, as i look at myself and try to be so grateful for all what i have, and i have not, for now and then.
And I would like to smile everyday, if possible.
As smile is a precious gift to people.
When your heart is smiling, you also will smile, not only to people, but also to this world.
And i hope one day i can still be smiling,to myself and to this world whenever i'm looking at my past, reflecting what i've done and have not.
May Allah grant me and all of us with happiness, rahmah and serenity in this journey of life. Insya Allah.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Assalamualaikum wbt,
Maaf di atas tiada update for quite sometime, getting bz with my division Business Plan preparation for 2007.
Alhamdulillah tadi dpt result quiz, oklah despite i was having fever waktu ambil quiz tu. Rasa mcm tak nak jek ambil, and pastu masuk kelas lewat 20 minit sbb traffic jam. Mmg kelam kabut giler menjawab. Alhamdulillah oklah, minggu depan ada mid term pulak, nak kena cover for 8 chapters, tak taulah sempat menghafal ker tak. Waktu ambil quiz ari tuh, mmg selamba badak last minute study, pagi study, petang tu quiz. Kali ni tak leh buat camtuh sbb nk cover 8 chapter,nampak gaya setiap hari dlm next week ni kena khatamkan satu chapter, kalau tak mmg tak sempat nk habis.
Semalam present direction BP 2007 kat GM and all managers,with the key strategic objectives and stuff, alhamdulillah dpt pujian...cheaa..takdelah gempak sgt, cuma apply apa yg belajar kat MBA..buat industry analysis, tgk market outlook, seminggu balik lewat cari info kat internet before come out dgn basic strategies. This becoming Wednesday akan ada satu lagi session to refine the strategies that i had come out. Actually all managers kat FMD byk membantu, they contribute ideas to me, without them, ntah haper2 jer strategy yg akan dibuat. Tulah pentingnya teamwork, you dun work alone. When you have teamwork, you get more inputs, you get quality response and stuff. And when you succeed, the joy will be shared together, no backstabbing, dissastisfaction whatsoever.
Yati, it was a very nice session with you, Naja, Kak Ika and Riz (our friends kat MMU dulu sekejap lepas tu dia fly ke France)last week, next time kita jumpa lagi kalau awak balik Semenanjung lagi ek :)
Ok, berundur diri dulu..assalamualaikum :)
Maaf di atas tiada update for quite sometime, getting bz with my division Business Plan preparation for 2007.
Alhamdulillah tadi dpt result quiz, oklah despite i was having fever waktu ambil quiz tu. Rasa mcm tak nak jek ambil, and pastu masuk kelas lewat 20 minit sbb traffic jam. Mmg kelam kabut giler menjawab. Alhamdulillah oklah, minggu depan ada mid term pulak, nak kena cover for 8 chapters, tak taulah sempat menghafal ker tak. Waktu ambil quiz ari tuh, mmg selamba badak last minute study, pagi study, petang tu quiz. Kali ni tak leh buat camtuh sbb nk cover 8 chapter,nampak gaya setiap hari dlm next week ni kena khatamkan satu chapter, kalau tak mmg tak sempat nk habis.
Semalam present direction BP 2007 kat GM and all managers,with the key strategic objectives and stuff, alhamdulillah dpt pujian...cheaa..takdelah gempak sgt, cuma apply apa yg belajar kat MBA..buat industry analysis, tgk market outlook, seminggu balik lewat cari info kat internet before come out dgn basic strategies. This becoming Wednesday akan ada satu lagi session to refine the strategies that i had come out. Actually all managers kat FMD byk membantu, they contribute ideas to me, without them, ntah haper2 jer strategy yg akan dibuat. Tulah pentingnya teamwork, you dun work alone. When you have teamwork, you get more inputs, you get quality response and stuff. And when you succeed, the joy will be shared together, no backstabbing, dissastisfaction whatsoever.
Yati, it was a very nice session with you, Naja, Kak Ika and Riz (our friends kat MMU dulu sekejap lepas tu dia fly ke France)last week, next time kita jumpa lagi kalau awak balik Semenanjung lagi ek :)
Ok, berundur diri dulu..assalamualaikum :)
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