Assalamualaikum wbt,
Hari ni ada berita gembira, sbb tu saya menulis di sini.
But before that just nk update yg saya dah habis satu paper..struggling study sbb for the past one whole week, saya demam and tak sihat. Tgh seating exam pun batuk2 lagi. Paper Ethics...this paper mmg tak tau nak kata ok ker tak..sbb kami takde mid term exam..ada assignments, project paper and final exam jek. Hopefully dpt good marks, doakan ek.
This becoming Saturday, my other paper which is Organizational Change & Development (OCD), 8 chapters..malam ni baru nak start belajar sbb semalam penat sgt..tidur awal.
Again, doakan saya juga k.
And this is the best part saya nk beritahu..
This morning my bestfriend Najibot (hoho...mesti marah budak kecik ni daku panggil Najibot)...oklaa..panggil dia Jie Kiut..yg ni sure dia tak marah, malah senyum lebar, kan jie kan? hehehe
Jie Kiut hantar e mail pada geng2 kami informing that one of our Chinese female friends has reverted to Islam...Ng Fong Chu has become Nur Farah Hani Ng Abdullah..what a sweet name... dun you think so? :) Alhamdulillah.
SMSed her this afternoon, tapi GM pulak tetiba panggil for short discussion, so only called her at 5 p.m. Her husband yg picked up my phone, and then i had some chit chat with Fong Chu(she doesn't mind i called her as Fong Chu sbb mmg dah biasa kat MMU dulu), but i want to call her Farah pasni, her name bermaksud kegembiraan. I was really excited to hear the good news from Jie, becoz Fong Chu and i were close dulu in MMU, especially during Pre-U.
Farah was my classmate, and she has no religion when she was in Pre-U dulu. We and another friend (can't remember who, maybe Jie, maybe Aniza, maybe Farah) pernah discuss about religion, she said she want to find a new religion..i think her parent are Buddhist kot, can't remember.
But she dun't want to be a Buddhist..she's not an atheist becoz she believe there is God, it's just a matter of time before she really want to pick her own religion.
Shortly before our Pre-U term end, Fong Chu told me that she had converted to Christianity. Of course during that time i felt a lil bit dissapointed coz she chose Christianity instead of Islam, despite of our long conversation and discussions about Islam. Tapi hidayah itu milik Allah, kita cuma mampu berusaha.
When she told me that she had converted to Christianity, i was quite shocked, i still remember she described to me about her visits to church, she used to go to church with African students in Malacca last time. There was one time she told me that she could speak and utter strange words out of nowhere during one of her visits to church, and she thought that it was magic becoz she never learnt or heard the strange words that came out from her mouth.
I said to her rite after she told me that she has become a Chriatian,Fong you have decided to be a Christian,i'm happy for you coz you has a faith at last after a long time of seeking and considering which religion works best for you, but please don't stop to seek the truth in your religion, becoz whatever religion in this world are preaching for kindness. I quoted this from Ustaz Fahim if i'm not mistaken. Mendalami dan mempelajari agama akan membentuk peribadi insan yang lebih baik, tidak kira agama apa. Tapi yang pasti, agama Islam adalah yang terbaik. I asked her to study Christianity in depth, so that one day mana tahu she'll learn that Islam is the only religion yg complete and benar, and most important diredhai Allah dunia akhirat.
Di MMU Cyber, saya jarang jumpa Farah coz i took Accounting, meanwhile Farah took Business. But sometimes we met each other and say hi..Farah is a cheerful and peramah to everyone. That's why it's nice to talk to her, and usually we were always laugh and laugh, coz she's someone yg suka ketawa and bergurau.
During our convocation, i had a picture with her and Ika. That was the last time i met her or listen to her voice. Until this morning, when Jie informed us about her, and until this evening, i managed to speak to her.
Her husband is working opposite to my office building (NOC, JRC).When Farah told him that i'm currently working in Fraud Management, his reply was " oo.. Fraud..suka cari salah org tu hehe"..erkk...sabar jelaaa dgr statement tu..mana der Fraud cari salah org..kalau Audit tu mungkin ler..kami kan byk handle external cases..yg dalaman ni byknya Audit...hehe..sian Audit kena kutuk lak skang ni. Hehe.
Alhamdulillah..Maha Suci Tuhan yang memberikan petunjuk dan hidayah kepada sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya.
Now i want to kacau my another Chinese friend plak..nk tanya dia biler dia nk revert to Islam pulak hoho. Ya Allah, Kau bukakanlah pintu hati kawanku sorang ni..kurniakan dia kekuatan untuk berhijrah menjadi seorang Muslim.
Pagi tadi juga terima berita pemergian bapa kepada salah seorang consultant DCBA kami dahulu (ayah Abg Reza), perginya Subuh tadi. Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un.
Pemergiannya di dalam bulan Ramadhan, moga rohnya sentiasa dilindungi dan dicucuri rahmat Allah.