Am i a dreamy person? Hehe, apa2 jer ler, but for me dlm byk2 gambar yg dia suh pilih, ini je ler yg menarik hati sbb cantik, yg lain tu sumer dull, tu yg tak pilih tu kekeke.
This morning my GM takde, that's why i take this opportunity to write eventho not so much i can tell about during these days. Time flies so fast that sometimes i could not catch up, but i'm trying to control whatever possible rite now. At this moment i manage to do some, but end of this week and next week will be another most hectic times in November after last week's event.
I heard Mafus is quitting from TM. He got a job offer from a MNC, a highly established one. Good for him actually. I think dlm banyak2 geng Accounting kami, he's the one who had the guts and opportunity to do something that he really want at the first place. The rest had switched our focus as TM had placed us in non-accounting departments. Shelly di Product Marketing, Rahimi di Billing tapi jaga system, Yati di customer contact center, Elly di TM Net (tak sure dia buat apa), Halim mmg buat Accounting di GITN, Zarid jaga Payment System di Credit Mgmt and me in Fraud doing business strategy.
Takpelah, i believe Allah had gave us the best for us eventho initially this is not the plan for me personally. I heard Finance Group has so many vacancies and it is easy to get a placement there, but must get our current GM's approval first. At this moment, i dun think my GM will let any of us here go, especially last week he had a personal discussion with Dz, asking what's wrong with FMD that so many executives especially the young ones like Dz, Zahan and me would like to transfer out of FMD.
I pity Zahan becoz he's doing IT in which it's not his line at all. Eventho he can perform his job with excellent, but the reality is that he cannot become a manager here becoz Keyrul is someone senior and he has a better prospect as he is a real IT person. I think Zahan must get out from FMD as fast as he can so that he can get back into Accounting line. Zahan had submitted his resume to Internal Audit, but i'm not sure whether he had been called for an interview or not. I hope he will get the post rather than staying here doing something that perhaps does not suit to his own interest.
GM had asked Dz what is so green outside that we wanted badly to go out. For me, this is not about whether the outside is green or not. This is about reaching your own dreams and goals. That's it. I dun want to be stucked up here for life and do not even give a single try to change my destiny, biiznillah of course. FMD is a nice place, really. It's just that i wish i can perform accounting job before i move out from TM to do something that i really want after this.
Tapi apa pun, i have to be grateful for i had given a chance and trust to perform business strategy here. I like it actually, but as what Tn Hj Romlie had mentioned in his closing speech in our MTFG closing ceremony last week, "I'm an auditor at heart!". I was very proud to hear his statement actually :)
Oklah, apa pun kena bersyukur. Sometimes we had to remind ourselves that whatever happens in our lives is something that had been decided by Allah, and for that we must be grateful. Allah always gives us the best, therefore we must be always grateful and thankful to Him, no matter what. Setiap sesuatu itu adalah anugerah dariNya, correct? :)
Oo ya, before i end my posting,i would like to say my highest thank you to Ayu and Jie for inviting me to their houses for makan2 on last Saturday. I had to sacrifice my class to go to Jie's house. Takpelah, me jarang skip kelas kecuali ada something important, so pergilah jugak rumah Jie. Kang tak pergi karang, takut makcik ni nangis lagi, susah plak nak pujuk (habislaa kalau Jie baca my posting ni, sure kena cekik nyer pasnih kekeke).
One interesting statement from Aini during our makan2 at Jie's house yg buat me mcm tersentak jugak ler mendengarnya. She said i am a giler-giler person, but when it comes to blog, i had sound like someone not a giler-giler one. Ekekek, yeah, dulu di Pre-U mmg i was someone yg funky jugak ler, skang ni tak tau ler masih giler2 lagi ker tak. Byk bende nak kena pk sampai dah hilang dah ke'giler2an' tu. I think i had started loosing that characteristic when i had been appointed as SRC di MMU dulu. Byk sgt student problems and bende serius yg nak kena pk sampai diri pun dah tak jadi funky sgt hehe. Nevermind, mungkin boleh ditimbulkan kembali ke'funky'an itu dlm diri saya hohoho :D
Aini, thanks sbb bagi tumpang ke rumah Ayu and Jie. It was nice to meet you, Auni and your husband after such a long time have not been together, same to Aida and Abg Mufis also :)
Ok guys, later k.
Assalamualaikum wbt :)
Your Brain's Pattern |
![]() You have a dreamy mind, full of fancy and fantasy. You have the ability to stay forever entertained with your thoughts. People may say you're hard to read, but that's because you're so internally focused. But when you do share what you're thinking, people are impressed with your imagination. |
u n your friends masih muda lagi.. so, insyaAllah ada masa utk mengubah hidup, even resign from the company.. be brave... kalau gagal pon, insyaAllah masih ada masa utk bangkit semula n ramai yg akan menyokong...
lain la golongan pengurus yg dah tua2 kat atas sana tuu... angguk2, geleng2 je la, kalau resign sapa nak amik keja..
woaaa...bleh tahan ganas your statement ni firasat :)
resign from TM? at certain times i want to stay long in TM, and sometimes not (especially when i cannot handle work pressure or gaduh with GM.
Overall, i think TM is a good organisation. And that had made me think twice to quit TM actually.
But we'll see nanti camner...still have a long journey if Allah izinkan.
kalau u stay lama2 kat TM, tak merasa la jadi lecturer kat UIA.. hehehe
Jadi lecturer UIA?
Insya Allah, doakan saya ek :)
siti...kau nak jadi auditor ke?..aku dulu rasa memula best je...tapi bila dah lama2..boring plak..nak try buat benda sbb aku jek yg suka tukar2 keje..eheh..alaa..ikut kita sebanrnya nak jadik apa..kita adalah apa yg kita nak jadik..hehe..kalau cak kau laa nak tukar keje ke..tuka dept ke..aku rasa cam takde problaa..since kau single mingle lagi..kurangla skit obligation..lagipun kita pempuan..kau bukannya ada hutang study ke..tak macam aku nih..tapi aku gamble jek..tukar keje..pastuh selamba berenti..pegi study laks..hutang lagi..hutang lama tak bayar (nasib baik ada laki tolong advancekan)..hahaha..tapi kalau takde investment..takde hasil..btw..mafus pegi mana?..jeles2..aku pon bercita2 nak masuk MNCs..tapi tataulaa tercapai ke dak..coz konon2 pasnih nak menumpukan perhatian pada family..hehe..aka..mengembangkan family..
hehe azie, camner ko leh tersesat ke blog aku ni hehe.
aku tak nak jadi auditor, dulu yer aku minat, skang mcm malas. aku nak jadi accountant jek actually hehe.
tukar department? baru semalma bincang ngan jie pasal betapa susahnya nak kuar dr dept aku ni ha, GM kitorang mmg tak nak lepaskan.
tgklah camner, lom decide anything sampai aku habis master next year, insya Allah :)
anyway, kim salam aku kat naz ek :)
siti...aku sebenonya tgh tensen tahap giler..tu yg aku mearpu2 kat blog orang..diorg nih sibuk nak krismas..klas+assgmt+test kita di'cramkan..kureng betul laa..i'm flared out..sejak amik msc nih tak penah dapat baring2..even thou at the end of weekend..iskk...
kalau korang susah nak tukar dept..biar aku jek mintak nanti..kau kata finance kosong kan?.hehhehe..suh jie copkan tempat ek..kehkeh..masa tu aku pun dah tua pun tanak lagi..
eh..aku dah buat dah brain pattern tuh..aku pilih yg bulat2 kaler hijau..kalau laa betul brain aku cam tuh kan bagus...aku rasa tak seheabt tu laa..hehe
hehe azie, relax2.
Ko baru jer lagi, lelama nanti ok ler tu. Lagipun you are a full time student, should be fine kat sana, lain ler kalau ko buat part time, mungkin ada possibility jadi mcm aku yg pernah terpk 3 4 kali nak quit MBA biler aku bebetul tgh pressure hehe.
Relax, insya Allah Allah permudahkan jalan org yg menuntut ilmu. Aku skang ok ler kot, no more pressure2 sgt mcm dulu walaupun keje mmg bertambah dr dulu, agaknya sbb dah pandai nak bahagi masa and priority kot. Lagipun aku dah tak perlu nak outstation2 lagi mcm dulu (walaupun skang ni actually aku teringin jugaklaa nak pegi outstation sbb keje kat ofis ni asyik menghadap keje GM jek, bosan kekadang uwaaa..Siha..aku rindu kat ko and Penang..sob sob sob)
Apa pun relax, ko ada naz kat sana. agak2 ko tak reti nak jawab assignment, ko suh jer naz yang jawabkan, dia kan terer heheh (jahat giler aku :P)
dengar cerita u all kalau nak keluar TM kena bayar balik, so I tarik balik suggestion I, heheh...
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