Assalamualaikum wbt,
Just went back from paying my phone bills, and i started counting my money like an accountant, try to allocate and planned for possible disbursements for this month, and my salary will be only available tomorrow!! hmm..need to plan my financial allocation wisely, i've invested about RM 7200 in Maybank and only to get know that the money will be calculated and approved for any withdrawal based on NPV rate!! Haiyaaa, it means i have been keeping the money for small profit (the assumption is applied only for 2003, by 2004 the rate will increase pending on how much i invest for the year). Nevermind, wishing that i still live for another 10 years, then RM72,000 will be MINE!! hehehe.
I plan to pursue my MBA this June, need money about RM4K for registration..isk isk..minta parent tanggung boleh tak ek? hehe..i'm keeping about half of my monthly salary for that purpose, kalau tak cukup jugak, then my parent will be the best financial resort for melah kot hehe.
Wanna buy a car or not? hmm..UIA can be reached by train and bus, which gives me alternative instead of buying a car, seelah how, if i think that it's necessary for me, then i'll buy, if not, wait for my father's planning to buy a car for Ika. Ika i think need the car mostlah compared to me, she needs to go to Putrajaya for her research for her Master. Ika told me that she received a call from a blind student, pursuing his Master at UM in Counselling, requesting Ika to be his eyes by reading to him all the books and study materials. See!! Even a blind person wants to continue his study for Master, inikan pulak Ika yg sihat walafiat, sponsored by my parent and ada kemungkinan dibelikan kereta, boleh pulak tak nak sambung belajar. Lastly she made up her mind FIRMLY to pursue her studies, which i support the effort so much!! hehe.
My mum keep asking me when i want to get married? Hahaha, kalau ada calonnya takpe jugak, ni takde..mcm mana ler nak kahwin hehe. If a nice, well educated, well equipped with agama guy ni senang nak dicari umpama mencari ikan di pasar, lama dah daku membelinya kekeke.
Sabarlah ibu, ada rezeki adalah insya-Allah. The only thing that i can do for now is keep praying to Allah, praying to be granted for a good husband which can help me to be a better muslimah. That's the general dua' for all muslimah, isn't it? hehe.
Janji Allah : Perempuan yang baik adalah untuk lelaki yang baik. So, usahalah perbaiki diri selalu. Allah tidak akan memungkiri janji-janjiNya :)
Semalam ada kelas Arabic, ustaz baru dtg mengajar menggantikan Ustaz Fauzi. His name is Ustaz Rahimi, ok jugak dia mengajar..takdelah rasa tertekan walaupun the subject really need your full concentration in the class.. alhamdulillah Allah lapangkan hati menerima ilmu semalam.
Semalam ulang balik topik Al Ibna' wal I'rab (Keadaan yang tidak berubah dan keadaan yang berubah). This time the explanation was better compared to the last one, and got this one pakcik yg terer selalu tanya soalan. Alhamdulillah takdelah dia ni jenis sorang yg irritating, kekadang ada org tu dah pandai, berlagak pulak mcm pakcik2 kat kelas Mak Teh during last semester. So far so good, the class went well and i'm thinking of continuing the class. During the journey nak ke UIA, i opened my arabic book and glance thru the content. Terasa sedikit nak vomit and i did actually before performed Maghrib prayer kat masjid UIA, tertekan kot. Tapi kelas semalam ok, so i guess should be oklah kot for me to continue joining the class in the future.
Wish i can speak Arabic fluently by 2005, doakan k :)
" Verily, whosoever associates with Allaah anything, for him Allaah has forbidden Paradise, and the Fire will be his abode; and the wrongdoers shall have no helpers." [5:72] " Verily, whosoever associates with Allaah anything, for him Allaah has forbidden Paradise, and the Fire will be his abode; and the wrongdoers shall have no helpers." [5:72]
Mohon semoga kita dipelihara dari menyekutukanNya dengan cara atau kaedah sekalipun. Sometimes kita membuat sesuatu krn riya' atau hendak menunjuk2 pada org, sedangkan riya' itu sendiri adalah syirik kecil. Na'uzubillah min zalik.
Pelihara hati ini Ya Allah, pelihara segalanya agar aku dapat menghadapMu dengan tenang dan penuh pengharapan agar dikurniakan rahmat dan belas kasihanMu. Ameen.