Wednesday, June 23, 2004


Assalamualaikum wbt,

Today i have learnt that if someone had given power and authority, sometimes he tend to be so authocratic and power seeking person (eg Bush yg giler kuasa tuh)

I've learnt that power is capable to make you forget about yourself, your root of culture, and inarguable any regulations set by our religion and God.

Money is power. Richness is also a power. The authority and trust received by someone are also powers.

Should this power to be misused until it creates hatred and uneasy feelings among those being ruled under this power, or those who interacts with this power holder party?

Of course not.

Always remember, sekuat-kuat kita, setinggi-tinggi kuasa dan kekayaan yang dianugerahkan kepada kita, tiada siapa yang dapat melawan Yang Maha Berkuasa.

Riaklah sepanjang mana yang kamu hendak, berbanggalah setinggi mana yang kamu mahu, namun di mata Tuhan, kita hanya dapat sepicis (tu pun belum tentu dapat dikira sebagai sepicis) dari kuasa yang ada padaNya.

Moral of the story: Jangan mudah lupa diri dan berbangga dengan kuasa yang kita ada. Bebila masa kuasa itu akan hilang.

~Gone with the wind~


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