Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Dah tak marah lagi dah (baca: intonasi mcm iklan Maggi : Dah tak sakit lagi dah)

Assalamualaikum wbt,

(1) Result Mid Term

Hehe, hari ini membuat 2 posting, aneh,kan? :p

Actually sebenarnya plan utk post citer lain, tapi disebabkan pepagi volcano dah meletup, lain pulak jadinya.

Tapi skang ni alhamdulillah dah ok, volcano dah beku sebab suhu dah turun bawah paras negative 5 darjah Celcius hehe.

Nak marah2 selalu pun buat apa, of course Mr XXX tu pun tak berniat nak lengahkan my kerja, and of course jugak my GM bukan sesuka hati dia nak menegur (sure dia tgh bengang sgt ler tu sampai keluar e mail), so me pun tak bleh ler sesuka hati nak marah2 memanjang,kan kan? :D

Ok, actually nak citer yg i had received my 2 mid term results last Saturday and Sunday, and alhamdulillah, my result were good, despite of last minute preparations, tapi alhamdulillah, my result were among the highest. My groupmate Kak Liana mmg gempak giler sbb dia score and beat me for both papers, but i could not grumble over her results since i knew my efforts were not incomparable to her, she every nite came to UIA and had some discussions with our other groupmates, meanwhile me studied quite last minutes i would say. But!! I still manage to get good results, alhamdulillah :)

Remember the 2 questions that i let my friend Azrul copied since he got blank during our exam? My lecturer gave me remarks 'Good!' on my paper for answering one of those questions, hehe, and Azrul had promised to treat me for sharing my answer with him. Hehe, double rewards for me :D

Kak Liana asked me to go for specialization in Finance, i do attracted to learn more about Finance since this is a subject that i hate most during my degree level, so mcm nak hilangkan phobia (surprisedly, i got an A for this subject dulu sbb i hate the subject so much that i learnt it very well sbb takut tak score,subject lain yang i tak benci tak plak score sgt sbb rasanya selalu take for granted kot, so next time kena hate sumer subject jugak so that i can get all A hehe), tapi biler pk pk balik, i'm not doing Finance at the first place, but i'm looking to jump into Finance Group after this.Tgklah mcm mana nanti.

One thing i am not keen to take Finance becoz it deals with a lot of calculations, and i hate calculations. I like mgmt subjects becoz i know i can rely on my memory and comprehension ability, i can pick up mgmt or readings subjects easily instead of calculations that need a lot of practice and sometimes need my brain to be cracked off first, then only i manage to get an answer hehe.

Ntah camner ler i did my Accountancy dulu, but please do not get mistaken by my statement, Accounting from my opinion would say that this subject is more dealing with logics and ability to understand the case, consolidate whatever data to produce certain new data, and then put them on certain format of reporting, and justify them based on accounting principles, it is more or less like Law subjects, where you must know what is the prima facie of the case, what was the precedent case and what are the respective Acts that you need to apply. Done! :D

(2) Ibu

On last Saturday,betul betul terkesan di hati saya, pengalaman ditegur secara direct tidak sampai sejam saya membuat onar kepada ibu saya (apa lagi, berdebat ngan ibu ler, biasa ler anak dia sorang nih mmg jaguh Parlimen, kalau tak takdenyer der dipilih jadi YB Panadol during program Yayasan Tun Razak dulu, yer tak Cpol? Hanya Cpol yang memahami ekeke)

My mum told me that she wanted to enroll for Islamic course di UM, i actually dun have any objection towards the idea since i know it will benefits my mum. My reason why i didn't agree at the first place and the things which led to a debate with my mum was that, she will ketinggalan for abt 2 months since kelas tu dah bermula 2 bulan lepas, and furthermore, subject2nya bukannya senang, kena belajar Syariah, Quran, and yang paling killer for me is Arabic. Ingat senang ker nak catch up these subjects after 2 months tertinggal.Dahlaa my mum takde basic. Tapi my mum ni jenis keras hati, sama mcm anak dia ni jugak yg bukan jek keras hati tapi keras kepala jugak hehe,dedua tak nak mengalah, last2 i keluar rumah utk ke UIA tanpa salam tangan ibu.

I took a taxi to UIA, and the first taxi driver that i met was Malay, tapi disebabkan awal2 dia dah minta extra charge, which me mmg kurang senang dgn org sebegini, belum apa2 dah minta extra charge, lain ler kalau me ikhlas nak bagi after dia dah hantarkan ke UIA, ok ler lagi, so opted for the second taxi, which actually an Indian. Memula menyesal gak ler ambil taxi kedua ni sbb dalam taxi dia sarat dgn patung Hindu and bunga melur yang menyebabkan me hampir pening kepala, tapi alang2 dah duduk, malas dah ler nak keluar taxi balik.

I asked the taxi driver about upacara2 keagamaan and why they used to pecahkan kelapa di kuil, and he said that the ceremony is to avoid any charm or black magic. Pastu ntah paper laie ler kami sembangkan, hingga hampir-hampir kami sampai ke UIA, he complimented me for being brave to ask about certain things that seldom people ask, perhaps due to sensitive racial and religious thingy,and i said to him, if i'm scared to ask, then i will not learn anything.That's it.

And he told me his secret recipe for life and asked me to follow, he said,

'Always respect orang tua, tak kirelah org Cina ker, India ker atau Melayu, always respect them, i can assure you, rezeki you akan murah'

He continued,

'You buka Quran, you baca, Tuhan Allah ada cakap mesti hormat orang tua, especially your parent. Kalau you tak respect your father takpe, tapi you kena jaga hati your mother betul betul, mesti ingat tu'

Erkk, kukira teguran itu direct dr Allah, dari mulut seorang uncle India si pemandu teksi buat peringatan diri!

Solat Asar di UIA menyaksikan penyesalan hamba Allah yang sorang ni kerana berdebat dengan ibu, dan terasa masih ada kasih sayang Allah kerana memberi teguran.

Esok pagi salam ibu sambil minta maaf, and seperti biasa ibunya faham anak dia yg sorang ni jenis emo sket kekadang, and seperti biasa juga sering memaafkan.

Hehe, sayang my ibu!



araamy said...

budak mmu mmg suke stadi last minutes... :))

IeNa said...

Hehe, biasa ler tu :P

Amacam kelas ko Rahimi? Ok?

cthurairah said...

congratulations result mid term akak...
Saya amik short semester skrg. Bila ek kita leh jumpa?

IeNa said...

Ct ambil short sem yer? Ic ic, ingatkan sumer org dah balik bercuti sbb UIA nampak kosong jek,UIA tgh bercuti kan skang ni? :)

Hmm...akak tak berani nak berjanji ni, sbbnya Sabtu kelas akak dari pukul 3 sampai pukul 6.30 petang, and on Sunday dr pukul 9 sampai 12.30. Cuma nya ahad ni ada jemputan kahwin yang perlu dipenuhi :)

Kita jumpa pada tengah hari Sabtu ni nak? Akak treat lunch, boleh? :)