Monday, September 19, 2005


Assalamualaikum wbt,


What are the things that you will treasure a lot in life?

Happiness, would you agree with me?


My heart is smiling rite now.

It's not a common feeling to me since last 2 months. Alhamdulillah it appears in me again, in one piece.

Last Saturday i went to somewhere that i had not step onto for quite sometimes.

Allah had invited me, and for that i felt so grateful for being blessed to have that opportunity.

The opportunity to look back what's in me, to measure how did i perform all these while and to reflect back whatever things that i have done.

We human are so weak and vulnerable. Committing sins are so easy for us to do nowadays. Astaghfirullah.

Ya Allah, please forgive us and our parents for whatever things that we had done wrongly.

Please don't ignore us even just for a second, and to You solely we submit ourselves.




sakinah said...

utk adeq iena sentiasa kamu dlm ingatanku....

hatiku milik Dia
hati kamu milik Dia
Dia pemilik hati-hati
tidaklah pernah hati ini
dimiliki selain oleh Dia

Yang Memiliki hati
Yang Maha Kuasa
Tidak terbatas ilmuNya
Tidak menyamai MakhlukNya

Hati yang berserakan
disatukan tanpa sempadan
hati yang bersaudara
ditarbiyyah dengan lapang
hati yang mudah ditausiyah
tanda kelembutan simbahan nur
hati yang berseri
mudah dilentur
firasatnya nur

hati yang bicara
tanpa henti berbisik
tidak jemu mengadu
hanya manis dalam diam
kerana hati ini
pemiliknya adalah Tuhan

IeNa said...

Kak Yumni,

Barakallah atas puisi yang sgt bagus :)

Really envy you for having such a miracle heart and skill dalam berpuisi :)