Assalamualaikum wbt,
Tetiba this morning terpk bende ni, just wanna make a survey and spark our interests on the issue of deciding which type of leadership do you favour most for our beloved country, Malaysia :)
Do you personally feel that there are rooms for improvement for government and opposition parties to sit and collaborate together for the betterment of Malaysian and ummah?
Give your comments ya!
Wanna see your perceptions towards today's Malaysian politics, after this we might go for ummah leadership pulak ;)
Dijemput bekas-bekas pimpinan pelajar MMU,UPM dan universiti lain di dalam dan luar negara/wakil NGO/individu berkecuali etc utk melontarkan pandangan anda. Wakil Puteri UMNO Bentong dan wakil Dewan Pemuda PAS, kot kot ada idea yg hendak disampaikan? ;)
CT, this is what I post in my blog on March
Further to my pilihanraya post, I think, any party in any country shouldn't have majority of 3/4. There should be a check and balance system between parties. At least we have a mix of government. From Malaysian people understanding, the government is always referred to Barisan Nasional while the opposition is always referred to PAS, keADILan and DAP.
OK, from my understanding [as I have studied Malaysian Studies before in my university years.. seems like ages ago], as from Malaysia constituency, after the Prime Minister declared for election, there is no PM, TPM, ministers etc. From the constituency, it is stated that the country's head during an election is Ketua Hakim Negara. And all the parties that is in for the election should be referred to parties, not government or opposition since each party has an equal chance of winning. Actually, when someone referred Pak Lah as PM during the campaigning process after Parliament has been dissolved, the idea is not right. But, the media also give a strong presence for the BN until it has been implemented in each and every Malaysian's mind that BN is the government- not other party, only BN. I heard some makciks and pakciks have the perception if BN is not the ruling party, there will be no basic utilities such as water and electricity. In this case, the perception is wrong, since every person who is elected to build up the government will have the responsibility of providing utilities for the people.
So, a balance of parties in the Malaysian government is really important.. in this case, the other representative elected can check whether the mentioned representative has done their duties well or not. There should also be comments and suggestions from every side as to improve the government. If a party such as BN has the 3/4 majority, they might not really see and understand the peoples' need. A well proportioned and mixed government is needed to open the eyes of the wakil rakyat. At least, the complaints do not fall on deaf ears anymore.
++ Just my 2 cents worth - a check and balance government ;)
Hmm, then you are proposing the composition shall go for 2/4 for each party? Hmm..kalau begitu, then there will be no apparent ruling partylah kot since there will be a power sharing situation where each party hold half of total power to rule, betul tak?
Tapi personally for me, i would go for a combination where the ruling party and the opposition could create harmony relationships and not like the existing one nowadays, asyik kutuk sana sini.
Mungkin tak kita bina hubungan gov n opposition dgn cara yg lebih berhikmah? ;)
dalam malaysia constitution, the major ruling party is 1/2 untuk menang mudah. tetapi untuk membentuk kerajaan from the ruling party, it is 3/4.. pls check if i am not mistaken. kerana dengan kuasa 3/4, ruling party can make constitutions. sebegitu lah adanya.. sebab tu BN selalu aim untuk menang 3/4 bagi membentuk kerajaan rather than 1/2 kerana banyak kerusi akan terpaksa diberikan kepada parti lain
Aida, i thought it should be 2/3 of the seats or equall up to 4/6 for the party to form constitution. Siti suggestion is 1/2 or equall to 3/6. But i guess if BN gets 3/6@1/2 and the other 3/6 is shared among PAS,DAP & other component parties pun ok juga since PAS, DAP & other parties might not agreed with each other (mind u ok, this is an open discussion, no harm feeling).
I am totally agreed with Siti, Aida, Aini's idea of check&balance government + cooperation between parties. From my point of view, keadaan mengikut parti sekarang adalah lebih serupa kepada berpuak2 (assabiyah kan?) sbb ada antaranya hingga menjerumuskan kepada fitnah, umpat keji dan juga bersangka buruk <--and sebagai seorg muslim yang dah diajar dengan sunnah Nabi yg cukup indah bukankah actually it will hurts you a lot. Tak bermaksud juga berpolitik tidak elok juga, cuma cara tu mungkin patut diperbetulkan sedikit sebelum dpt menarik perhatian org2 macam ... saya lah contohnya. Sbb bagi saya whether you are org UMNO, BN, PAS, atau parti long as you are a muslim, you are still saudara saya:).
Yes, rahimi, it is a long way to go. But, the long journey starts with a single step, so let's make the first step;). BTW, i believe it is not impossible. We have proved it before kan siti, aida, aini? :)
Thanks for the point Ieka... terlupa laks 2/3 majority to pass the law. As what Rahimi mentioned, 3/4 majority is to make constitutions.. So there's different in 1/2, 2/3 and 3/4 majority eh? *wink*
Aku yg dah start pening tgk pelbagai proportions ni hehe.
Actually i've raised up the issue to my reporting manager, he's in Pemuda UMNO (Kuat punyer UMNO nih), dia kata i'm too idealistic for having a dream to see Gov and Opposition work together and no gaduh2 like today.
Idealisitic sgt ker my opinion tu? Mmglaa susah, but not impossible to do, betul tak? As Pak Lah pun sekarang ni berjiwa Islam, takkan tak boleh bertolak ansur dengan sesama Muslim, correct?
mm maybe i can be categorized under idelistic person as well.. so the comment from me might not be valid.. siti, kite kan cam agak sama sket kan cara fikir:p
Hehe..sama sama insya Allah :)
Walaupun kita lihat suasana 'kurang harmoni' di antara gov dan opposition, i do hope one day that gov and opposition will become 'kamcheng', yet oppoition must always stand up to fight or voice out any disagreements towards Gov policies if deemed necessary.
Kesatuan ummah boleh dipelihara, kepentingan semua pihak pun terjaga :)
ok... sbb cam dah panjang kan, aku kena laa mencelah balik. kerjasama parti yg memerintah dengan yg menanti untuk memerintah buat masa ni mmg agak idealistik. sbb ape?
first sekali kita kene tengok bargaining power PAS dalam keadaan skrang. UMNO lepas last election menampak kan sokongan rakyat terbanyak kepada BN compare to the 1999 election. jadi, dalam masa sekarang, kalau aku jadi UMNO pun, buat ape aku nak pandang PAS!!! camtu laa lebih kurang.
second, senario dalam PAS sekarang. it is not the time to venture outside, improve ourself first. kita masih lagi lag dalam banyak perkara. we have did a lot in kelantan but yet nobody in johor knows. tapi, aku lebih pandang kepada permasalahan dalam PAS, gerakan, organisasi, penerimaan masyarakat. kadang2 kita terlalu menyalahkan media kerana memberi gambaran salah, tapi kita tak pernah ambil iktibar pun dari kebejatan media ni.
third, keadaan "tenang" dalam masyarakat skrang. mmg cukup tenang org mesia ni, kagum aku. saban hari kita dengar macam2 cerita. rasuah, politik wang, seleweng dan macam2 lagi, tapi reaksi masyarakat cukup dingin. walaupun semua org tahu banyak seleweng dalam kerajaan sekarang, kita tengok bangunan MMU cyber pun kita tau macam tak berbaloi harga 200 juta utk quality macam tu, tapi still takde kesan pada masyarakat. betul jugak kata mantan perdana menteri kita, "MELAYU MUDAH LUPA".
cukup 3 dulu, aku tak mampu nak pk bebanyak sangat pepagi isnin ni..hehehe. cuma sedikit penambahan, kerjasama PAS dan BN mmg pernah wujud dalam tahun 1970-an dulu. siap masa tu wakil kita ada yg jadi duta mesia ke negara lain2. tapi cara pas di tendang keluar tu cukup untuk memberi peringatan pada pemimpin sekarang utk tidak mengulanginya sehingga ada hujjah/sbb yg betul2 kukuh untuk berbuat demikian ( aku tak ingat camne PAS kene tendang tu, tapi mmg cukup sadis aaaa ) sbb tu bila cakap pasal kerjasama ni, buat masa sekarang, aku agak kurang optimis sikit.
tu laa sikit sebanyak komen aku... pada cpol, betul kita tak di tanya kita menang ke kalah, dan kita di tanya apa yg kita dah buat. well, i've used that magic word for the whole of my life since secondary school, but sometimes we need a better medicine to cure. for me, that why islam encourages us to think :)
Fuh, penjelasan yang cukup panjang dan ber'justifikasi' by our Bro Rahimi, syukran laka :)
Yeah, Islam tuntut kita untuk berfikir, yet that is the hardest activity on Planet Earth (pinjam quotation seminar Nisa' bebaru ni).
Ada seorang peserta bertanya ttg masalah yg lebih kurang sama bunyinya di dalam seminar Nisa', what is wrong to collaborate with BN? And the answer was, because perbezaan sedia ada bukanlah permasalahan far'iyyah (cabang) tetapi permasalahan asas iaitu dasar-dasar yang dipegang oleh BN. Walau bagaimana pun PAS mengambil pegangan mana yang elok yg dilaksanakan oleh BN, PAS sokong, tetapi mana yg tidak, PAS akan tentang.
Cumanya perlu diingat, kita tidak perlu terlalu ta'sub dgn sesuatu parti atau pihak, kerana dlm Quran sudah tertulis mafhumnya adakah perkataan yang lebih baik dr mereka yang keluar mengajak kepada kebaikan dan menegah kemungkaran, dan mengaku bahawa kami ini di kalangan MUSLIMIN.
Tidak ada yang membezakan darjat kita umat manusia tidak kira antum berada di pihak mana, kecuali TAQWA :)
Yeah.. Orang Management Faculty's comment.. bagus betul anak anak didik MMU ni.. Orang MAS akan kata.. yin and yang it looks better balanced..:P..
Bravo, we have MAS student here commenting on the subject monopolized by Mgmt students, but not to forget the contribution given by Civil Engineering student(Bro CPol) :)
Konsep yin and yang, baguslaa Kak iqin, you have brought a new perspective of looking at certain issues by 'importing' these uncommon concepts into the picture. Arigato gozaimas!! :D
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