Monday, March 07, 2005

Tahfiz vs Electrical Engineering, MMU vs UIA

Assalamualaikum wbt,

(1) Tahfiz vs Electrical Engineering

On last Friday nite, i was preparing myself to get my sleep at abt 1 ' clock in the morning, tidur lewat sikit. Suddenly my younger sis's handphone ringing, so i picked it up since my younger sis has gone to sleep much earlier. I was so jahat that i pretended to be my younger sis while answering the phone becoz i know this is the guy that my younger sis always talked to every nite sampai pukul 1 pagi, so i want to know who is he.While the phone was ringing,its screen displayed 'Nenek YB', uik..pandai sungguh my younger sis ni sorokkan identiti bf dia (i assumed the caller is my younger sis's bf sbb asyik bergayut every nite).

Me: Assalamualaikum.Hello?
The caller : (luper dia ada jawab salam ker tidak), apsal angkat lambat?
Me: Sajer.
The caller : Sajer jer? Apsal?
Me: Sajer jer.
The caller : Sajer jer? (Nada dia dah blank..i couldn't tahan my gelak)
Me: Dik, Ira dah tidur sebenarnya, ni kakak dia (ngee ngee...i was sure he was stunned to hear that hoho)
The caller : Ha? Ni kakak Ira? Maaf kak, saya cuma nak bagitau dia yang saya dah ambilkan borang dia di sekolah tadi, kakak sampaikan kat dia nanti yer (dengan nada takut takut dan sungguh formal hohoho)
Me: Alrite dik, nanti akak sampaikan kat Ira k. Saper nama adik ni?
The caller : Wan, akak, akak tak marah ker saya call ni?
Me: Naper akak nak marah pulak, ok jek.
The caller : Ok kak, tu jer nak bagitau.
Me: Ok, assalamualaikum. (The call was ended)

Selang 1 minit, the phone was ringing again, so i picked it up and i heard the same voice just now.

Wan : Akak, boleh ker saya call akak guna telefon rumah?
Me: Ha? Nak call akak? Err..err, ok, bleh jek.
(Dlm hati dah terpk, awat budak ni nak tepon me pulak isk isk)

Tepon rumah berbunyi and i picked it up.

Wan : Akak, akak jangan marah Ira pulak saya call dia malam-malam. Akak marah ker?
Me: Marah? Nak marah apanya, korang dah besar, takde der nak marah-marah der.
Wan : Akak sportinglaa
Me: Biasaaaa..kekek (chea chea, mamat ni nak ambil hati aku ker apa nih, puji2 pulak,ambik peluang nih nak tanya pasal diri dia, sekolah mana, umur baper, duduk kat mana etc etc, pastu tanya how was his SPM paper)
Wan : Ni laa akak, paper saya tu ok kot, cumanya saya tgh confuse, tulaa yang saya call akak nih..saya sebenarnya confuse nak sambung Tahfiz atau Electrical Eng, camner ek akak?
Me : (Dah ternganga dah sbb tak expect soalan tu keluar). Hmm..adik minat yang mana? Naper adik rasa nak ambik Tahfiz? Minat ker ngan Electrical?Dah buat solat istikharah?
Wan : Saya minat Tahfiz kak, lagipun skang ni dah akhir zaman, kena fikir pasal akhirat juga kak.Saya suka juga Electrical, and skang ni saya target nak buka business dgn pakcik2 saya. Tapikan kak, saya sebenarnya tak kisah pun tak belajar tinggi2 sgt sbb saya bukannya nak makan gaji, saya suka kerja sendiri2, pakcik2 saya pun mcm tu juga, boleh jer hidup.
Me: (Hish budak ni, selamba jek ckp camtuh, tak pk ke education tu penting? ) Naper Wan cakap camtu, ilmu tu penting, walaupun kita tak nak makan gaji and nak keje sendiri, tapi ilmu tu tetap penting. Kalau kata nak buka business, tanpa ilmu yg cukup, mcm mana kita nak expand business tu sampai ke national atau international level.Ibu ngan ayah keje apa?
Wan: Ummi buka restoran sendiri, ayah dulu arkitek tapi skang ni tolong ummi kat restoran.
Me: (Wah,ayah arkitek, mcm mana boleh ada anak yang ber'mentaliti' mcm ni nih?) Ooo ok ok. Takpe takpe, skang ni Wan kata Tahfiz utk akhirat, habis tu Wan fikir belajar Electrical tu bukan untuk akhirat ker? (Pastu lecturelaa dia ttg manfaat jadi engineer kpd manusia, as long we regard the work as ibadah, ke akhirat juga gunanya)
Wan : Saya bukan apa kak, dedua saya suka, cumanya saya dah plan kalau saya ambil Tahfiz, lepas keluar saya nak buka sekolah tahfiz pula, pakcik sedara saya dah berjaya buka satu, and derang sumer nak support saya belajar tahfiz kak.
Me : Ic ic, ok ler kalau camtu, cumanya jgn ler fikir course selain agama ni tidak contribute kepada Islam atau akhirat, kena expandkan sikit pemikiran adik tu k. So skang ni, tunggu jer result SPM, kalau dpt offer memana, buat solat istikharah byk2 and decide, kalau takde, pergi sekolah tahfiz tu k.

Pastu kami sembang bab-bab lain sampai pukul 3 pagi. Kelakar budak nih, patut ler my younger sis selalu bergayut ngan dia. Anyway dia bukan my younger sis's bf pun, geng baik jek. Cumanya ketika berbual dgn dia, terasa mcm bagusnyaaa budak nih, umur 18 tahun dah terpk nak jadi tahfiz, siap nak buka sekolah tahfiz lagi. Me at 18? Ntah ler..lagi nak enjoy lagi ader. Bagus sungguh budak ni, kerek2 pun ada jugaklaa sifat kepimpinan, siap boleh berdebat with me ttg soal Bida'ah, huish me at 18 Bida'ah pun tak tau apa sgt. Time tu terpk betapa indahnya Islam menekankan pendidikan dan tarbiyah dr kecil bermula dr rumah, hasilnya kita akan nampak di kemudian hari :)

(2) MMU vs UIA

Semalam masuk kelas, belajar ttg Operation Management. Entah mengapa tiba-tiba membuat perbandingan antara MMU dan UIA.

Honestly, I would say MMU is more advance in terms of latest knowledge exposure especially when it comes to K-aspects (K economy, technology etc).I think MMU is much better in terms of up-to-date exposures and highly professional, seriously.

On the other hand, my reason to be in UIA was justified as i want to try IPTA after being 4 yrs in IPTS. My first choice is UIA, and the second one is UM.UM's schedule is not flexible to me, therefore i chose UIA, and i was happy with my decision. But after 3 semesters being in UIA, i have clearer picture that MMU is better. HOWEVER, it's up to someone's personal motives also. Some of my classmates prefer UIA due to its location that is very near to their houses, and some is due to its 'International' status. Its all depends on what your personal wants, i guess.

So guys, if you think you want to get better exposure, choose MMU to pursue your Master, but if you want to try out for different environment and make comparisons, then the options are wide enough as we have UKM, UPM etc.

I am proud to be a MMUrian hohoho.



ieka said...

Siti, remembered masa kite di systemic thinking course di Segamat yg lalu? There are few sisters who took 1-2 years break from their studies to learn and memorize al-Quran? and then come back to study and finishes their course?

Or, an example of those Islamic scholars who were very successful in religious matter, but also a good scientist and a good artist.

Maybe you can suggest both to this fellow brother. :)

BTW, last one tu tak assabiyah ke kate cenggitu?:P and pilihan MMU tu kan.. utk course aku dulu tu hanya MMU je yg tawarkan hahahah:))

IeNa said...

Hoho, aku mmg dah cakap dah pun, tapi tak sure this boy ni faham ker idak, bebudak ler katakan hoho.

pasal MMU tu, bukannya bersemangat assabiyah, memasing ada preference masing2, cumanya that is what i felt, nak buat camner :)